Contact Information
From this Independent Physical Therapist

I have been practicing in the healthcare field since 1994 starting out as an athletic training working with volleyball and baseball teams in a Division I college setting. I continued my education in physical therapy graduating in 2003 and continuing to work in orthopedics and furthering my post professional education in manual therapy. I continue to do work with individuals in orthopedics and have also expanded my interest and education in visceral, neural, and vascular manipulation and craniosacral work.

My approach to treatment revolves heavily around JP Barral’s visceral work and is philosophically tied to yoga therapy. My goal is to listen and collaborate in finding solutions to improving the quality of life for my clients.

Visceral manipulation is an integrative approach to evaluation and treatment of the body that includes musculoskeletal, vascular, nervous, urogenital, respiratory, digestive, and lymphatic systems in treating dysfunction. It takes into account the organ and tissue relationships incorporating specific manipulation that is gentle and facilitates release of the tissues that may be causing imbalance within the system to facilitate improved balance and movement. Many times, the visceral approach can add to traditional physical therapy or be used after conventional treatments have not achieved the results you are looking for. Conditions we treat may include: GI dysfunction, nerve impingements/entrapment, urogenital dysfunction, musculoskeletal conditions, heart burn/GERD, hiatal hernia, MVA injuries. See the website for more information and conditions that I may be able to assist you with.
The clinic is in Arcadia area on Indian School between 38th and 40th Streets.


Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
Board Certified Orthopedic Certified Specialist
Manual Therapy Certified
Athletic Training Certified (ATC)
Professional Yoga Therapist-Candidate